My photo
Northfield, Illinois, United States
Michael Steven Platt has taken his life long love of doodling to extremes. His intent is to provide and promote creations of positive energy which will broaden the scope of perception and impart a sense of well being to those who experience them.

Friday, December 19, 2008

In The Beginning

Twas on a day not so long ago that my eyes did behold the unique, hand colored, graph based drawing of Michael Steven Platt. Ahh ha! methinks. And I spake upon his ears the imortal words "Hey! YOU create and I'll flog ya!" Now of course, his interepretation was one of "oh my!", accompanied by a hesitant "hmmm, err, um, huh?". And so started the business named Indirect Light Creative Arts.. Indlca for short. A joining of Dianne's (my) business brains with the pencil touting skills of Michael, sprinkled with the photo taking making of too many digital "gotta capture that!", wrapped up in verbage of poetic form from the both of us with a smothering of Michael's wayout, avantgarde, Finnegan's Wake style book writing and off the shelf, never been published words of everything else. In summary, he creates and I flog him!

Intermission - advertising time: check out Michael Steven Platt's original art works -

and more variety at

and when I get a round tuit! you can check out my stuff on both sites.... mind you, hold that thought cause I still loading my contribution of flog!

Smiling at ya!
